My name is Jess and I am a certified Hypnotherapist, Master of NLP and Timeline Therapy® and certified Mind-Body Life Coach.
When we heal ourselves, we also heal our family. By working on yourself, releasing your negative habits, breaking old thought patterns, taking control of your life and transforming into who you want to be, you are then showing up as a better parent and role model for your children and other loved ones. Our children soak up everything we say and do and either take it on as their behaviour or repress it within themselves. By being the best version of us that we can, we are giving them the best start possible.
I am here to help you release what is not serving you, overcome what is holding you back, awaken your inner power and rise as the new version of you.
When I became a mum, I made the mistake of forgetting who I was and began putting myself last. I lost my identity completely and I didn't make any effort to do what used made me happy before motherhood. I was riddled with anxiety, depression, pain, guilt, frustration and sickness. I felt like a failure as a mum. I had put high expectations on myself to do a good job as a parent but I struggled to do anything more than the basics. I was a shell of myself and I felt like I was only existing to keep my child alive and well. I was suffering with so much guilt around the fact that I wasn’t showing up as the kind of parent I wanted to be and that I felt my son deserved.
It took me 3 years to start caring for myself again. I became a qualified mind-body coach and I made some great progress by implementing what I had learned into my own life.
However, this alone didn't help me to get rid of the limiting beliefs and old trauma that was holding me back from really taking my life and the life of my son to the next level.
In 2020, the world of NLP and hypnotherapy was opened to me, and it was a life changing experience. I was finally able to get to the root cause of my problems and peel back the layers on what was causing me to think and act in certain ways. I dealt with each issue and transformed into the exact version of myself that I always wanted to be as a mum and as a woman. I was able to help my son in so many more ways and I finally felt like I was giving him the support and guidance he deserved.
This is when the passion to help others was ignited in me. I absolutely love watching my clients transform in front of my eyes and witnessing the impact it not only has on them, but on their children as well.
I encourage you to take the first step and start your journey of growth, discovery and healing.
Your future self and your children will thank you for it.
Want to work with me as your coach? Explore what I have to offer via online programs and 1 on 1 coaching below:
Here are some of the testimonials I have received from previous clients!
"I had a session with Jess a couple of days ago. Before the session i was stressed, anxious, depressed, had alot of history events affecting my mindset and quality of life. I was at breaking point to say the least!
After the session and even now 2 days later, I have completely shifted my mindset and even endured a few hurdles that would have destroyed me in the past and I have a much more positive and driven mindset now and I owe it ALL to Jess and her amazing treatment!"
— Kristee Van Horick
"Jessica has a calming, comforting nature and non-judgmental approach.
Jessica has helped me to unblock a few things needed in order to move forward. Thank you Jess for spending your valuable time in my subconscious rattles. Your ahhmazing!"
— Stephanie Phelan
"I had Jess coach me through some personal inner conflict I had to work through and to be honest I cannot remember what my conflict was anymore. I released my inner conflict and to this day I am puzzled as to why I put myself through my own storm that I created myself. I have clarity and a sense of weight removed off my shoulders and my focus is more towards the things I want in life. I highly recommend Jess as a coach and can't thank her enough to helping me put some of those heavy emotions to rest. I still to this day have scratched my head wondering what the problem was in the beginning. I highly recommend Jess as a coach."
— Sokha Khun
Want to work with me?
Find out more about who I am and how I can help you by emailing me at [email protected].
We can organise a complimentary 20 minute chat to talk about what I do, what you are struggling with and what you would like to achieve.
I look forward to speaking with you soon!
Have you seen the mindfulness journal I created for children? Take a look below...